Finance Function

Accounts Payable

Why not lower costs, improved speed and efficiency. We will handle your business’s full accounts payable function, from collecting and posting purchase invoices to uploading supplier payments in the bank.

What tasks take place in accounts payable?

Tasks in Accounts Payable

We will perform the following tasks as part of our accounts payable services:


Collecting purchase invoices, checking their accuracy on the details such as company name, VAT number, etc.


Processing and posting the purchase invoices in correct accounting codes


Reconciling supplier payments to the relevant purchase invoices


Uploading the supplier payment file in the bank to enable directors to make payments to the suppliers


Ensuring credit is received for outstanding memos

What are the benefits of accounts payable services?

Benefits of Accounts Payable


Boost Productivity


Alleviate errors


Leveraging the expertise of an outsider’s accounts payable services


Cost reduction approach

What We Offer

We provide personalized accounting and tax advising services, in contrast to many other accounting firms. We distinguish ourselves from the competition by our expert service and outstanding offerings.

Quality Sevice

Our success depends on you. We always work to you the best service possible that is specially designed for you.

Dedicated Support

At Sterling Wells, we always give our clients with the full and focused support they need in order to achieve the best possible results.

Personalised Service

Customer satisfaction is our guiding concept. By putting an emphasis on consistency and communication, we aim to complete the task.

Client Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is our guiding concept. By putting an emphasis on consistency and communication, we aim to complete the task.

Quick Response Time

You can expect the assistance of our knowledgeable professionals to start right away.

Free Consultation

Take advantage of our free initial tax consultation, which will last for 15 minutes.

Book A Free 15-minutes Consultation


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