
Construction Industry Scheme

Historically, the Construction Industry Scheme has been a subject of interest to tax authorities in the UK . Due to the scale of the industry, prevalence of undeclared income and serious compliance issues, it comes as no surprise that HMRC has been emphasizing on this particular industry. So, why not let our expert to handle your Construction Industry Scheme (CIS).

What CIS Services do we offer?

Services in CIS

If you are a contractor making payments to sub-contractors, there are strict compliance procedures to adhere to. Failure to operate the scheme correctly can result in harsh penalties and potential cancellation of gross status.

It is therefore essential that these rules and regulations are followed. This is where our Outsourced Payroll Department can ensure you do not fall foul of HMRC.






Gross Status Applications


Loss Appeals


Completion and Submission of Monthly Returns

Hassle Free CIS Process with us

Additional Services


Completion Of Payment & Deduction Statements


Obtaining Year End Refunds Due To CIS Offsets


Status Determination


General C.I.S Advice

What We Offer

We provide personalized accounting and tax advising services, in contrast to many other accounting firms. We distinguish ourselves from the competition by our expert service and outstanding offerings.

Quality Sevice

Our success depends on you. We always work to you the best service possible that is specially designed for you.

Dedicated Support

At Sterling Wells, we always give our clients with the full and focused support they need in order to achieve the best possible results.

Personalised Service

Customer satisfaction is our guiding concept. By putting an emphasis on consistency and communication, we aim to complete the task.

Client Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is our guiding concept. By putting an emphasis on consistency and communication, we aim to complete the task.

Quick Response Time

You can expect the assistance of our knowledgeable professionals to start right away.

Free Consultation

Take advantage of our free initial tax consultation, which will last for 15 minutes.

Book A Free 15-minutes Consultation


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